viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009

My first semester...

Hello everyone!!! Well this week I have to talk about the experiences of my first semester in the university. I`m studying obstetrice in the University of Chile, and this is my first year. Well I had already finished my first semester, I passed all my exams but it was very difficult because the subjects were very complicated.
When I entered the university I was a little scared because the new challenges that were waiting for me, like new subjects , my teachers, meet new people , etc. Also I was worried because I didn´t know exactly if I wanted this career, but now I´m sure that I belong here.
My family was a huge support too, they helped me when I was confused and because of that I could take the right decisions.
During the last semester I learned a lot of things, like nursery, embriology and genetics, but because all the study I didn´t have the time for do anything more.
I met a lot of people too, like my classmate and teachers and a lot of people of other carrers and I made a lot of friends too, but because the study I didn´t have the time to see my school friends, but we are still in contact.

The best thing of the last semester was knew the university and lived new experiences that I never had before. I think that I`m just beggining and I will know a lot of things more, and a lot of challenges are waiting for me. I`m very happy and excited because I`m doing my future and something that I love, I can´t wait for finish my studies and finally become in a great midwife.

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