viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009

A country I would like to visit

Hello everyone!!!! This week I have to write about a country I would like to visit....It´s a hard decision because there are many countries in the world and each of them have something unique and special. Well the country that I would like to visit is France because this is one of the most beautiful country in the world, including the lovely Paris. I have to go there before I die!!!
Well I want to go because the history and the famous Louvre Museum, my favourite pintor is Leonardo Da Vinci and because of that I have to see his paintings.
The Architecture in France is wonderful, specially Gothic Architecture like the Notre Dame cathedral, also there are many castles (Château) and huge palaces and of course, the most famous construction in France: The Eiffel Tower.

Another reason it is because in France the food it is excellent and I want to eat every type of chesse, bread and gormet food.
I would visit France only for vacations, entertainment and meet another culture, I would like visit different places and have a good time but I don´t want to live, work or study there, because I think it will be more difficult and I want to do that things in another countries, like Spain or England.
About France I know a lot of things, like the history and culture but for really knowing a country it is necesary to visit it and live the experience by yourself.

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009

My first semester...

Hello everyone!!! Well this week I have to talk about the experiences of my first semester in the university. I`m studying obstetrice in the University of Chile, and this is my first year. Well I had already finished my first semester, I passed all my exams but it was very difficult because the subjects were very complicated.
When I entered the university I was a little scared because the new challenges that were waiting for me, like new subjects , my teachers, meet new people , etc. Also I was worried because I didn´t know exactly if I wanted this career, but now I´m sure that I belong here.
My family was a huge support too, they helped me when I was confused and because of that I could take the right decisions.
During the last semester I learned a lot of things, like nursery, embriology and genetics, but because all the study I didn´t have the time for do anything more.
I met a lot of people too, like my classmate and teachers and a lot of people of other carrers and I made a lot of friends too, but because the study I didn´t have the time to see my school friends, but we are still in contact.

The best thing of the last semester was knew the university and lived new experiences that I never had before. I think that I`m just beggining and I will know a lot of things more, and a lot of challenges are waiting for me. I`m very happy and excited because I`m doing my future and something that I love, I can´t wait for finish my studies and finally become in a great midwife.